
07 - 14 Settembre | 10:00

Late Summer Yoga Retreat

Welcome to our home town and to your summer 2024 edition of our yoga retreat! The retreat will be held by our collaborators and is open to both adults and children.

All activities will be held in English.

Save your spot!


14 - 15 Settembre | 10:00

Basic Pranic Healing Workshop

Come and find out more of the Energy World!
This is a two full-day theoretical and practical workshop on energy healing.
No prerequisites.

Learn about the body´s 14 main energy centers (chakras) in detail, their functions, how to measure energies, how to do energy healing on others, at distance, and on oneself.

This course will be given in English.
Course address: Dowtown Genova.
Course cost: 250 euro plus 25 euro yearly membership. 35 euro discount applies for early registration and for non residents.

Hosting in Genova possible upon request.

Info: Lina +39 351 8277414 / prana@pranagenova.it